Finalmente após quase dois anos, as ações e propostas da Procuradoria Federal / Juazeiro do Norte, do ICMBio/IBAMA e Fundação SOS Chapada do Araripe foram embora com o uso do Termo de Ajuste de Conduta - TAC da Justiça Federal, respeitadas no sentido de nortear o processo de sustentabilidade da grandiosa Festa de Barbalha - " O Pau da Bandeira".
Finally after almost two years, the actions and proposals of the Federal Attorney / Juazeiro do Norte, ICMBio / IBAMA and the Araripe SOS went out with the use of Terms of Adjustment of Conduct - TACs of the federal courts respected in order to guidesustainability of the process from the grand festival of Barbalha - "Pau da Bandeira. "
Finally after almost two years, the actions and proposals of the Federal Attorney / Juazeiro do Norte, ICMBio / IBAMA and the Araripe SOS went out with the use of Terms of Adjustment of Conduct - TACs of the federal courts respected in order to guidesustainability of the process from the grand festival of Barbalha - "Pau da Bandeira. "
No ano de 2010 quando a Fundação SOS Chapada do Araripe realizou o "1o. Seminário de Sustentabilidade do Pau da Bandeira" foi com o objetivo de realizar uma discussão compartilhada com os diversos atores da sociedade para se ajustar os procedimentos do corte do pau da bandeira que oram vinham monitorados tanto pela Justiça Federal como pelo ICMBio/IBAMA.
In the year 2010 when the SOS the Araripe conducted the "first. Seminar on Sustainabilityof Pau da Bandeira" was aiming to achieve a shared discussion with various actors ofsociety to fit the procedures of the court of the flag stick pray that both had been monitoredby the Federal Court as the ICMBio / IBAMA.
In the year 2010 when the SOS the Araripe conducted the "first. Seminar on Sustainabilityof Pau da Bandeira" was aiming to achieve a shared discussion with various actors ofsociety to fit the procedures of the court of the flag stick pray that both had been monitoredby the Federal Court as the ICMBio / IBAMA.
I Seminário de "Sustentabilidade do Pau da Bandeira", coordenado pela Fundação SOS Chapada do Araripe, realizado em maio de 2010. |
O papel da Fundação como uma ONG cuja missão é a Educação e a Sustentabilidade Ambiental era e é de ficar atenta e cobrar dos responsáveis e gestores da festa uma mudança efetiva de atitudes que garanta a preservação e a conservação dos recursos naturais como também uma indicação de sensibilidade ambiental que o mundo hoje busca no sentido de promover o desenvolvimento sustentável e uma qualidade de vida socioambiental equilibrada com os ecossistemas e biomas existentes no planeta.
The Foundation's role as an NGO whose mission is education and environmental sustainability was and is to be careful and responsible charge of the party managers andan effective change in attitudes that will ensure the preservation and conservation of natural resources as well as an indication of environmental sensitivity the world todayseeks to promote sustainable development and a quality of life balanced with social and environmental ecosystems and biomes on the planet.
The Foundation's role as an NGO whose mission is education and environmental sustainability was and is to be careful and responsible charge of the party managers andan effective change in attitudes that will ensure the preservation and conservation of natural resources as well as an indication of environmental sensitivity the world todayseeks to promote sustainable development and a quality of life balanced with social and environmental ecosystems and biomes on the planet.
Foi uma dura lição a ser compreendida, especialmente porque a tradição e a visão extremamente conservadora dos responsáveis relutavam em não mudar as atitudes não preservacionistas de muitos, que aliadas apenas à algumas ações difusas e pontuais que não conduziam à cuidados ambientais com os recursos florestais, dentre eles a matéria prima do "pau da bandeira", insistiam em difundir junto a sociedade que tais mudanças iriam comprometer a festa ícone e tradicional do "Pau da Bandeira de Santo Antônio da Barbalha".
It was a hard lesson to be understood, especially because the extremely conservativetradition and vision of those responsible not reluctant to change the attitudes of many nonpreservationists, who allied only to diffuse and point some things that did not lead toenvironmental care for the forest resources, among them the raw material of "the flagstick, " insisted disseminate it to society that such changes would undermine the party's traditional icon and "Pau da Bandeira de Santo Antônio da Barbalha
It was a hard lesson to be understood, especially because the extremely conservativetradition and vision of those responsible not reluctant to change the attitudes of many nonpreservationists, who allied only to diffuse and point some things that did not lead toenvironmental care for the forest resources, among them the raw material of "the flagstick, " insisted disseminate it to society that such changes would undermine the party's traditional icon and "Pau da Bandeira de Santo Antônio da Barbalha
Congratulações a todos que encamparam essa histórica mudança especialmente a de concretamente implantar o horto municipal, que certamente valorizará mais ainda essa festa centenária da cidade de Barbalha, no rumo de sua sustentabilidade.
Congratulations to all that have embraced this historic change to concretely implementespecially the garden city, which certainly will value even more so this centennialcelebration of the city Barbalha, toward sustainability.
Congratulations to all that have embraced this historic change to concretely implementespecially the garden city, which certainly will value even more so this centennialcelebration of the city Barbalha, toward sustainability.
Temos pois, a certeza que o padroeiro Santo Antônio também celebrou efusivamente essa ação conciliada entre a tradição e o ambiente que simbolicamente poderemos dizer: foi um tão esperado casamento do ambientalismo com o folclore da festa.
We therefore make sure that the patron Saint Anthony also celebrated heartily that actionreconciled between tradition and the environment that we symbolically say, was a long-awaited marriage of environmentalism with the folklore of the party.
We therefore make sure that the patron Saint Anthony also celebrated heartily that actionreconciled between tradition and the environment that we symbolically say, was a long-awaited marriage of environmentalism with the folklore of the party.
No entanto, estaremos atentos para acompanharmos se efetivamente o Horto Municipal será implantado com o objetivo que foi proposto pelos órgãos ambientalistas.
However, be looking for if we follow the Garden City will be effectively implemented with the goal that was proposed by environmental agencies.
However, be looking for if we follow the Garden City will be effectively implemented with the goal that was proposed by environmental agencies.
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